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Thursday, September 2, 2010

What? Needles? Injection? Never!

As a child I would be kicking and screaming and the nurses had to trick me to get those needles. Imagine an eight year old saying she don't want to live? Oh my gosh..I was really a complicated little girl. The only solution I could find to solving problems was not facing them but running, wishing I could die or cry my liver out. But then there ware the times when I would be so courageous and bold. If I knew I did something wrong, I would fess up before you even ask - yes - at eight years old.
My sixth sense told me licks would follow for fessing up but that didn't matter - as far as I know I was made for it - or at least so I thought. I kind of grew into it. Most times I was saved by my grand mom. Today now I understand that is physical abuse. In my country in the Caribbean (Trinidad West Indies) we are still backward where beating is concerned. No laws in place to stop beatings. Not even in the schools.
P.S Now I love needles..

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